miércoles, 18 de junio de 2008

Convocatoria para nuevo country manager para -Health Unlimited

Estimados Sres,

Agradeceremos difundir la convocatoria adjunta.


Health Unlimited
Elías Aguirre 126 Oficina 1001
Lima 18, Perú
Fono/fax +51 1 2434687


Health Unlimited está ayudando a crear un mundo en el que las comunidades
más vulnerables puedan disfrutar su derecho a salud y bienestar(See
attached file: Peru CM Advert 17.6.08.doc)

Consultora en Proyectos de Turismo Vivencial en comunidades Nativas y Campesinas
celular 0051 192539653


Health Unlimited (HU) is seeking an experienced and qualified candidate for the position of Peru Country Manager to fully manage and develop its programme, to represent the organisation in all matters within the country and to develop/maintain excellent relationships with the Peruvian Government, the Ministry of Health (MOH), donors and other key stakeholders.


Main Functions of Post:

To provide overall management for the ongoing project/s in Peru
To develop and implement a country strategy which is within HU’s worldwide vision/mission.
To represents HU in Peru in the promotion of excellent relationships with both central and local government departments, international organizations, other NGO’s and in-country donors.
To develop the partnership with Salud Sin Límites Perú as local partner.
To maintain communication with HU London on project development, funding, financial matters and social/economic/political developments in Peru.
To leads HU Peru in project development, funding and other matters, as required.

Person Specifications

Essential requirements
At least 5 years experience as a health and/or development manager in Peru
Masters degree in relevant discipline such as public health, development, human rights
Detailed knowledge of priority public health and poverty issues in Latin America
At least 5 years experience of Project Cycle Management
Strong experience of project accounting, budgeting and financial management
Demonstrable computing skills (word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, internet)
Excellent written and oral communication skills in English and Spanish
Commitment to working with people in isolated, remote areas
Experience of working in and/or managing health projects in rural areas of Peru
Experience of designing public health interventions, preferably in Peru
Experience of developing and managing relationships with donors
Knowledge of Peru’s government system
Experience of working in Peru

Please visit the Health Unlimited website www.healthunlimited.org for a copy of the job description and application form.

Please send completed application forms (in English) to Carmen Hamilton personnel@healthunlimited.org by Friday 4th July 5pm GMT.

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